giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

Cool Clip from the Canon 7D, Pumped Up with Plug-ins

Cool Clip from the Canon 7D, Pumped Up with Plug-ins

7D 2000 fps from Oton Bačar on Vimeo.

Powerful plug-ins aren’t exactly news — Twixtor and Trapcode Particular have been around for years. But it can be inspirational to see what kind of over-the-top visuals can be cooked up by an imaginative videographer with an inexpensive camera and a lot of desktop tools at their disposal.
That’s the case with this clip, uploaded a couple of weeks ago to Vimeo by Oton Bacar and viewed almost 200,000 times. He dusted off some BMX footage shot months ago with the Canon EOS 7D (presumably at 720p/60), simulated a super-slo-mo effect in Adobe After Effects with RE:Vision’s Twixtor plug-in, and topped it off with raindrop particles created with Red Giant Software’s Particular 2 plug-in and comped into the shot to look like part of the slow-motion image capture. Don’t miss the sky replacement, with time-lapse footage of clouds rolling through the background mixed into the frames.

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