martedì 28 dicembre 2010

Playstation "Symbols" (ARRI Alexa Test Piece)

This was a spec spot crafted out of a camera test with the ARRI Alexa camera.

Raveonettes- Heart of Stone

Blind Founder/ECD/Director Chris Do, in a direct-to-client relationship with The Raveonettes, their management at The Orchard and Vice Records, just pushed out his second video for this Danish alt-rock duo. The video, set in a fantastic illustrated world, portrays the epic journey of a heartbroken man rambling across a unique and beautifully stylized landscape - a subtle blend of Pop Surrealism and Victorian/Steampunk aesthetic - created in Do's unique style.

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010

Vimeo Video School - Introduction to DSLR Cameras

Introduction to DSLR Cameras with Philip Bloom from Vimeo Staff on Vimeo.

Step 1: Research
DSLR stands for digital single lens reflex. DSLR cameras use a mirror to reflect the image from the lens to the viewfinder, behind the mirror is a sensor. The sensor is what takes that light and interprets it as a electronic signal that shows up on your camera's screen. It's more complicated than that, but I don't want to hurt your brain before we even get this lesson started!

The larger the sensor, the better your camera will be in low light, and the larger your field of view will be. Large sensor, or full-frame cameras, are more expensive than cameras with cropped sensors.

Every DSLR camera has pros and cons. To find the right camera for you, you’ll need to research all the features that come with the camera and look around online or on Vimeo for example footage. Vimeo has entire Groups dedicated to many different types of cameras like the 5D Mark II, EOS 7D, Nikon D90 and a catch-all DSLR Cinema Group.

Advantages of shooting video with a DSLR camera.
High Quality -- Nearly every DSLR camera that shoots video can shoot in 1080p, which is very high quality HD.
Film Look -- DSLR cameras can imitate the look of film very well. This means your videos will look like what you see when you go to the movies!
Also a Stills Camera -- Remember, your DSLR is primarily a stills camera, which means you can easy go back and forth between video and photo mode.

When it comes to deciding which camera is the best for you, keep in mind that technology is always advancing, so new cameras will have new features all the time, therefore there will never be a “perfect” camera. In the end, what you can afford is the most important factor.

sabato 18 dicembre 2010

'Paul' International Trailer

i 10 migliori film del 2010 secondo IMDB

10) Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 7.9 / 10
9) Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte Parte 1 7.9 / 10
8) Shutter Island 8.0 / 10
7) Kick-Ass 8.0 / 10
6) Rapunzel 8.1 / 10
5) Dragon Trainer 8.2 / 10
4) The Social Network 8.2 / 10
3) Toy Story 3 8.7 / 10
2) Black Swan 8.9 / 10
1) Inception 9.0 / 10

Nenette, il nuovo documentario di Nicholas Philibert

From acclaimed French director Nicolas Philibert (To Be and To Have) comes a fascinating spin on the notion of watching and being watched. Nénette, a 40-something orangutan, has lived at the Menagerie du Jardin de Plantes, Paris, for most of her life. We observe her as she watches zoo visitors stroll past and we listen as adults and kids pass comment, frequently ascribing human emotions and values to the giant ape.

Stanley Kubrick - Ritrovati i 17 minuti inediti di 2001: Odissea nello spazio

Una notizia bomba per gli appassionati (e sono tantissimi) del cinema di Stanley Kubrick, durante un evento realizzato dalla Warner Bros a Toronto, Douglas Trumbull e David Larson hanno confermato che sarebbero stati ritrovati 17 minuti di materiale editato direttamente da Kubrick e successivamente non utilizzati per 2001: Odissea nello spazio, che erano stati conservati in un magazzino del Kansas.
Il film infatti dura ufficialmente 141 minuti, ma è noto che alla premier è stata presentata una copia di 160 minuti, nessuno sapeva dove fossero finiti i tagli effettuati dallo stesso Kubrick. Trumbull ha dichiarato che il materiale ritrovato è in ottime condizioni, ma non è sicuro di quello che sarà il suo futuro.
Secondo il sito IMDB, le scene tagliate sarebbero:
* Alcuni tagli dall’incipit Dawn of Man, una sequenza in cui la scimmia prova a usare l’osso come attrezzo di lavoro.
* Alcune riprese di Frank Poole mentre corre nella centrifuga.
* Un’intera sequenza in cui Dave Bowman cerca il materiale per riparare un’antenna in un magazzino.
* Una scena in cui il computer Hal gestisce le comunicazioni radio tra il Discovery e Poole.
* Una passeggiata nello spazio di Poole prima della sua morte.

Insane, il trailer del debutto di Guillermo Del Toro nel mondo dei videogames

giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

Cool Clip from the Canon 7D, Pumped Up with Plug-ins

Cool Clip from the Canon 7D, Pumped Up with Plug-ins

7D 2000 fps from Oton Bačar on Vimeo.

Powerful plug-ins aren’t exactly news — Twixtor and Trapcode Particular have been around for years. But it can be inspirational to see what kind of over-the-top visuals can be cooked up by an imaginative videographer with an inexpensive camera and a lot of desktop tools at their disposal.
That’s the case with this clip, uploaded a couple of weeks ago to Vimeo by Oton Bacar and viewed almost 200,000 times. He dusted off some BMX footage shot months ago with the Canon EOS 7D (presumably at 720p/60), simulated a super-slo-mo effect in Adobe After Effects with RE:Vision’s Twixtor plug-in, and topped it off with raindrop particles created with Red Giant Software’s Particular 2 plug-in and comped into the shot to look like part of the slow-motion image capture. Don’t miss the sky replacement, with time-lapse footage of clouds rolling through the background mixed into the frames.