n[ever]land è l'occasione per indagare se, come e quanto le nuove tecnologie siano in grado di incontrare le moderne arti visive così come le più antiche arti di palcoscenico, l'editoria tradizionale o la mobilissima comunicazione on line, nella ricerca di un'armonia possibile tra necessità produttive e spinte creative: n[ever]land, quindi, come l'isola-che-non-c'è dove poter riscrivere le regole del gioco.
mercoledì 15 dicembre 2021
sabato 6 novembre 2021
Lazio Cinema International: 10mln to support co-productions
Lazio Cinema International: 10mln to support co-productions: The Lazio Regional Council has approved the resolution that brings the Lazio Cinema International call for proposals to an allocation of 10mln euros.
venerdì 1 ottobre 2021
venerdì 24 settembre 2021
Shaba: A New Film by Ami Vitale
I am so excited to share my new short film, Shaba, about the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary’s first matriarch elephant and the extraordinary bonds she formed with a herd of baby orphaned elephants and the people who rescued her.
Shaba arrived traumatized after poachers shot her mother dead. This is a story about learning to trust those that we fear. She teaches us about love and our connections to all of life around us.
Ticket to view Shaba online are $10 and are available at amivitale.com/product/shaba. All ticket sales will go directly to Vital Impacts, a new non-profit supporting grassroots organizations who are protecting people, wildlife and habitats.
Shaba has been selected as a finalist in THREE categories – Conservation Short Form, People & Nature Short Form and Our Human Planet Short Form – at the Jackson Wild Media Awards. Widely considered the most prestigious honor in natural history media, the Jackson Wild Media Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in science and nature storytelling. These are the Oscars of nature filmmaking.
It has also been selected as an Award Finalist in the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, held in New York, where it will be screened on October 20. And the short film will be featured in the upcoming Innsbruck Nature Film Festival in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria from October 19 – 22, and at Docutah November 1 – 6 at Dixie State University in St. George, Utah.
Earlier in the year, Shaba won the LA Independent Women Film Awards and was an official selection of the EarthXFilm Festival, Walla Walla Movie Crush, the Toronto International Women Film Festival, the International Wildlife Film Festival and the Doclands Film Festival.
The fundraiser benefitting Reteti Elephant Sanctuary has ended. Together we were able to raise an astonishing $250,000 which will be used to buy milk, blankets and medicines to support the baby elephants and the people who have committed their lives to protecting them. Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is the first indigenous owned and run elephant sanctuary in Africa.
Thank you for caring and being a part of this journey!
Warmest regards,
Ami Vitale
venerdì 10 settembre 2021
America After 9/11
From veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker and chronicler of U.S. politics Michael Kirk and his team, this documentary traces the U.S. response to the September 11 terrorist attacks and the devastating consequences that unfolded across three presidencies. This two-hour special offers an epic re-examination of the decisions that changed the world and transformed America.
Aired: 09/07/21
Rating: NR
sabato 4 settembre 2021
martedì 3 agosto 2021
lunedì 2 agosto 2021
domenica 1 agosto 2021
andri_snaer_magnason_on_time_and_water - TED conference
Salve, mi chiamo Andri Snaer Magnason e vi parlo dall'Islanda.
A causa del clima, nel 2019 abbiamo perso il nostro primo ghiacciaio, l'Okjokull, il Ghiacciaio OK che non è più OK. E nei prossimi 200 anni, prevediamo la stessa fine per tutti gli altri ghiacciai. Il ghiacciaio in questione è uno di loro, il Sólheimajökull, sulla costa sud dell'Islanda.
Ho scritto una poesia per una placca, posta sulla montagna dove un tempo si ergeva l'Okjokull, era una lettera al futuro, che dice: "Questo monumento vuole far sapere che sappiamo cosa sta accadendo, e cosa deve essere fatto. Solo tu sai se l'abbiamo fatto".
Un tempo, quando i ghiacciai sembravano eterni, I miei nonni furono esploratori di ghiacciai. Nel 1956, la loro fu una luna di miele "glaciale". Per tre settimane, attraversarono e tracciarono la mappa del Vatnajokull, il più grande ghiacciaio d'Europa, dormendo in tenda a temperature estreme. Una volta domandai loro: "Non avevate freddo?" Loro mi risposero: "Freddo?" "Ci eravamo appena sposati!" Mia nonna ha appena compiuto 96 anni e ora sappiamo che molti ghiacciai scompariranno nel lasso di tempo in cui qualcuno nascerà e raggiungerà l'età di mia nonna. Dobbiamo cominciare a creare una profonda sintonia con il futuro e dobbiamo farlo in fretta. Mia nonna è nata nel 1924. E se avrò dei nipoti, le persone che più amerò nella mia vita, loro saranno ancora vivi nel 2150. Iil nostro tempo è quello delle persone che conosciamo e amiamo, un tempo che ci ha creati, ma è anche il tempo delle persone che conosceremo e ameremo, un tempo che noi stessi creiamo. Possiamo facilmente coprire 230 anni con una stretta di mano tra generazioni.
Quando uno scienziato dice 2100 alziamo le spalle, non sentiamo alcun legame. Ma ho chiesto a mia nonna: "100 anni sono periodo un lungo o breve?" E con mia grande sorpresa ha risposto: "È breve. Mi sembra ieri, quando attraversavo i ghiacciai".
Quindi il 2100 non è un futuro lontano, è essenzialmente già domani, perché nella mente di quelle persone, il 2020 sarà ieri. E sono certo che noi vogliamo che loro guardino al nostro tempo con orgoglio e gratitudine perché noi sapevamo cosa stava accadendo e sappiamo cosa bisogna fare e, alla fine, avremo fatto la cosa giusta.
Directed by: Anni Ólafsdóttir
Score by: Ryuichi Sakamoto
Edited by: Eva Lind Höskuldsdóttir
Cinematography: Anton Smári Gunnarsson
Sound: Agnar Friðbertsson
Sound edit: Huldar Freyr Arnarson
The Hero’s Journey to the Third Pole – A Bipolar Musical Documentary with Elephants
A full feature documentary film, Internationally premiered at CPH:DOX. Directed by Andri Snær Magnason & Anní Ólafsdóttir and produced by Elsku Rut, Ground Control Productions & Ursus Parvus. Part road movie, part musical, part serious inquiry into the caverns of the mind, The Hero’s Journey to the Third Pole is at once an artful, sensitive and amusing examination of mental health, told through an unexpected story of friendship.
The film follows Anna Tara Edwards, an Icelander raised in Nepal, and legendary musician Högni Egilsson, as they journey to Anna’s childhood home in the mountain jungles to explore the afflictions and superpowers that come with bipolar disorder. Delving into their respective pasts through textured archival footage and home videos, the narrative follows their present-day quest to raise awareness about the disease and come to terms with the impact it has had on their own lives.
Directed by Andri Snær Magnason, Anní Ólafsdóttir
Editor Eva Lind Höskuldsdóttir, Anní Ólafsdóttir, Davíð Alexander Corno
Screenplay Andri Snær Magnason, Anní Ólafsdóttir
Director of Photography Anní Ólafsdóttir, Eiríkur Ingi Böðvarsson
Music Composer Högni Egilsson
Producer Andri Snær Magnason, Sigurður Gísli Pálmason, Halldóra Jóhanna Þorláksdóttir, Hlín Jóhannesdóttir
Co-Producer Högni Egilsson, Anna Tara Edwards, Anní Ólafsdóttir, Eva Lind Höskuldsdóttir
Sound Design Huldar Freyr Arnarson
Runtime 78 min
Nominated for 5 EDDA Awards. Best directors. Best editing. Best score. Best Script and Best Cinematography.
Icelandic premier as opening film of RIFF.
International premier at CPH:DOX
About the directors:
Anní Ólafsdóttir is a visual artist and film maker, nominated for four EDDA Awards for the Third Pole. Best script, best editing, best director and best cinematagrapher. Anní has worked as a freelance filmmaker since 2012. She has worked as a director, cinematographer, art-director and editor for a number of TV shows, music videos, short films and visual art projects. One of her recent projects as a cinematographer was Sacrifice, a collaboration of visual artist Matthew Barney and the Iceland Dance Company. She has created music videos for a number of prominent musicians, including Mammút, Oscar Award Winner Marketa Irglova, the official music video for Blk Diamond by Zebra Katz x Leila, which was selected as the best music video of the year at the Berlin Music Video Awards in 2016. Apausalypse is her forthcoming documentary in 2021, also codirected with Andri Snær Magnason.
Andri is one of Iceland’s most celebrated writers. Among his work are novels, poetry, plays, short stories, essays and he is a popular public speaker. His work has been published or performed in more than 40 countries. He is the co-director of Dreamland (2009), one of Iceland’s most influential and acclaimed documentaries, made with Þorfinnur Guðnason. Andri received the Kairos award of 2010, awarded by the Alfred Toepfer Institute and has received numerous literary prizes for his work, both in Iceland and internationally. He is the only person to win the Icelandic Literary Award in all categories, fiction, non fiction and childrens literature. His novel LoveStar recieved The Philip K Dick Honorary Mention 2014 and Le Grand Prix l’Imaginaire for best translated Sci-Fi in France 2016. Andri has created radio work for the BBC, and contributed to the Oscar Award Winning documentary Inside Job by Charles Ferguson. His latest non fiction book – On Time and Water is coming out in 30 languages in 2020/2022 and shortlisted for The Nordic Councils Literary Award 2021. Andri Snær is nominated for two EDDA awards for The Hero’s Journey to the Third Pole. Director of the year and best script. Apausalypse, also codirected with Anni Ólafsdóttir premiers in 2021.
Apausalypse - Trailer
Apausalypse is a 52 minute documentary film by Anni Ólafsdóttir and Andri Snær Magnason, exploring the deeper meaning of the great pause, when the world stopped due to the Corona Pandemic. When our premier for The Hero’s Journey to the Third Pole was cancelled due to the first Covid 19 lockdown in Iceland we went out with a very good camera to capture and explore what was happening in the world.
We made a multimedia article for Emergence Magazine that will serve as a good introduction to the project. This text serves in my book On Time and Water as a Covid Postscript.
Apausalypse 52 minutes – Completed May 2021.
Directors: Anni Ólafsdóttir and Andri Snær Magnason
Cinematography: Andri Haraldsson
Edited by: Eva Lind Höskuldsdóttir, Anni Ólafsdóttir, Sighvatur Haraldsson
Score: Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, Ryiuich Sakamoto
Produced by: Elsku Rut, Lokaútgáfan, Ground Control Productions and Ursus Parvis.
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