domenica 30 gennaio 2011

“Hell and Back Again” by Danfung Dennis wins Sundance WORLD CINEMA GRAND JURY PRIZE – DOCUMENTARY

Hell and Back Again clip from Danfung Dennis on Vimeo.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II (reviews) movie “Hell and Back Again” by Danfung Dennis wins Sundance WORLD CINEMA GRAND JURY PRIZE – DOCUMENTARY. The website for the movie and the facebook page for the movie. Here’s the tweet with the
announcement from @sundacefest

WORLD CINEMA GRAND JURY PRIZE – DOCUMENTARY: “Hell and Back Again”, director Danfung Dennis #Sundance

mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011


ShapeShifter from Charlex on Vimeo.

"ShapeShifter" by Charlex
narration by Gabriel Byrne​CHRLXNYC​charlexnyc

New York

Radiohead - House of Cards (For Joao Lucas)

In Radiohead's video for "House of Cards", no cameras or lights were used. Instead, 3D plotting technologies collected information about the shapes and relative distances of objects. The video was created entirely with visualizations of that data.

Directed by James Frost
From the album IN RAINBOWS

Molto interessante questo video che vi proponiamo oggi soprattutto dal punto di vista tecnologico che ha poi garantito il risultato finale. Proprio gli autori ci dicono “Non sono state utilizzate né videocamere o luci. Solo due tecnologie per catturare le immagini in 3d: Geometric Informatics e Velodyne LIDAR. Il sistema di scansione di Geometric Informatics riesce a catturare le immagini nei particolari mentre Velodyne che usa un sistema di laser multipli cattura aree più grandi perfino paesaggi. Per questo video 64 laser ruotando hanno catturato a 360 gradi tutte le scene esterne”.


The Making-of "House of Cards" video

martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Waiting for the End (Official HD)

David Torno of Ghost Town Media explains:

For Waiting For The End (WFTE), Brandon had tweaked and played with Form for a few days to develope a look which was based on some graphics we had made for the concert tour a few weeks prior. Basically running the footage through Form three different times to create a layered effect. The first layer being the main particles which held most of the fidelity of the image that shows and then two more passes to create floating yet somehow still attached brighter particle accents. All of these were based off of luma values from the source footage and audio reaction to different audio stems of the song. Various color grading was placed on top of that and then a focal depth plane was added and radomized to throw the focus in and out of the Form particle field just to give it more depth.

Once this entire pass was done, all of the artists sat down to watch it and to start picking it apart for weaker shots that either didn't work as is and needed more impact and also had to find spots for the director's creative notes that involved the 3D enhancements and geometric shapes/lines. A lot of 3D object tracking was done with Syntheyes to allow us to attach various 3D elements directly onto the band members, stuff like crazy polygon shapes flying of Mike Shinodas back, skull sections that are diconnected yet move with Chesters head, and various other geometric shapes that extrude or move with the shot.

lunedì 24 gennaio 2011


made with openFrameworks from openFrameworks on Vimeo.

Openframeworks is a c++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation.
The library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image input and output, quicktime for video playing and sequence grabbing.
The code is written to be both cross platform (PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone) and cross compiler. The API is designed to be minimal and easy to grasp. There are very few classes, and inside of those classes, there are very few functions. The code has been implemented so that within the classes there are minimal cross-referening, making it quite easy to rip out and reuse, if you need, or to extend.
Simply put, openFrameworks is a tool that makes it much easier to make things via code. We find it super useful, and we hope you do too.

sabato 22 gennaio 2011

Lockit Buddy HDSLR Audio Sync device

The Lockit Buddy is a small device that is aimed at the professional sound recordists, currently being confronted with increasing amounts of footage shot on Canon EOS 5D Mark II/7D/T2i/550D/60D… Digital SLR cameras, and to the owners of such cameras who want to work with a professional sound recordist using double system sound linked by Timecode.
Lockit Buddy takes care of the level and impedance conversions needed to record an accurate and dependable Timecode signal and confidence audio track to the Digital SLR camera at a fraction of the cost of other available systems.

giovedì 20 gennaio 2011

giovedì 13 gennaio 2011

TV show in Afghanistan focuses on abuse

Una maschera. Per difendersi e denunciare. Metà è bianca, simbolo di innocenza. L’altra parte azzurra, il colore dell’oppressione (e del burqa). La indossano in Afghanistan le donne protagoniste di «Niqab» (che in afghano significa «maschera»), un reality show della televisione di Kabul in onda in questi giorni. La maschera, il «niqab», protegge le donne mentre liberano il loro animo raccontando le umiliazioni subite. Sullo schermo compaiono figlie e mogli, sorelle e madri. Che raccontano di abusi e stupri. E denunciano di essere state comprate e vendute come bestie.

«Avevo così tanti sogni per la mia vita, ma non appena l’ho visto sono scomparsi tutti», racconta Saraya. Che ricorda così il momento in cui suo padre la obbligò, a 15 anni, a sposare un noto stupratore di 58 anni e con diversi precedenti penali.

La trasmissione è stata ideata dal regista Sami Mahdi, di 28 anni. Che spiega: «Non sono sicuro di riuscire a fare qualcosa per le vittime: penso siano destinate a subire in eterno. Ma possiamo usare le esperienze di queste persone come esempi da mostrare alla gente. E credo che ciò possa produrre qualche cambiamento nella vita delle donne. Sono anche convinto che ciò possa cambiare la mentalità degli uomini».
Il video della tv afghana è stato trasmesso anche dalla Cnn.

sabato 8 gennaio 2011

Winner of the Vimeo Award for best video is Last Minutes with ODEN

Winner of the Vimeo Award for best video is Last Minutes with ODEN by Eliot Rausch, Lukas Korver, Matt Taylor - Phos Pictures.

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.

Vimeo Award Winners


Ladies and Gentleman, the Vimeo Festival + Awards are now over. Thousands of people from across the world gathered in New York City to meet the people behind the profiles and hear from inspiring speakers and Vimeo Awards judges. We held a series of eclectic screenings of amazing shorts submitted to the Vimeo Awards this year, including two finalists' screening that were just plain incredible. Workshops gave everyone the opportunity to really learn from professionals in the filmmaking world while 'Vimeo World' provided a pop-up gallery of technological art, installations, and video projection pieces for all to enjoy.

Stay tuned for more videos from the event, including the insane architectural projection mapping performance on the Vimeo/IAC HQ. And, of course, the Vimeo Awards Show! If you have footage from the event, please add it to the Vimeo Festival Group

We’d also like to thank all our sponsors for helping us make this whole event happen. Special thanks to Nokia, Honda, and Amstel for their generous support as well as Canon and Vizio and all of our media sponsors. Thanks!

AG-7200 (AG-LA7200) True Anamorphic Lens Adapter Tutorial on DSLRs using 5d mark II

AG-7200 (AG-LA7200) True Anamorphic Lens Adapter Tutorial on DSLRs using 5d mark II from Eric Manche & Jeff Nitzberg on Vimeo.

1000fps for free – using Motion Optical Flow instead of Twixtor

Tutorial - Canon 60d 1000fps using Apple Motion instead of Twixtor from CrumplePop on Vimeo.

Thanks to CrumplePop on Vimeo for this tutorial.

venerdì 7 gennaio 2011

ACDC Vs Iron Man 2 - Architectural Projection Mapping on Rochester Castle

ACDC Vs Iron Man 2 - Architectural Projection Mapping on Rochester Castle from seeper on Vimeo.

On the site of a thousand years of violent history, ACDC were pitted against Iron Man in a ground breaking architectural projection mapping project. The front facade of the Great Keep at Rochester Castle, was brought to life using the latest in 3D animation techniques. This onslaught of the senses, saw the castle confront it's ultimate challenge. Warping, morphing, spewing and collapsing before the audiences eyes. Let there be rock!

OT_ cool stuff projection mapping in reality

just found this, amazing work, THIS IS NOT 3D.

its projection mapping done not on computer but in realworld onto a real building (mediafacade like)

looks like 3d CG tech is going into real world more and more:-)

3d artist, architect & vrayforc4d ceo

Bologna. Incontro con Marina Abramovic “Lady Performance”. Il 28 gennaio


Venerdì 28 gennaio 2011, alle ore 21 presso l’Aula Magna di Santa Lucia, nell’ambito di ArteFiera 2011, l’Università di Bologna rende omaggio all’artista di fama internazionale Marina Abramovic.
La “regina della performance” presenterà dal vivo, intervistata dal critico d’arte Renato Barilli, il suo ultimo lavoro, Seven Easy Pieces, un film realizzato per il Guggenheim di New York che ha già conquistato i più importanti festival in Israele, Polonia, Australia, Canada, Germania, Giappone, e ora per la prima volta in Italia alla presenza della Abramovic, in cui l’artista reinterpreta cinque celebri performances storiche compiute da Vito Acconci, Jospeh Beuys, Valie Export, Gina Pane, Bruce Nauman, più altre due da lei stessa realizzate.
Seven Easy Pieces, della durata di 95 minuti, sarà proiettato in replica il giorno seguente, sabato 29 gennaio, alle ore 20 e domenica 30 alle ore 14, presso il Cinema Lumière (via Azzo Gardino 65) della Cineteca di Bologna, partner dell’iniziativa.
L’evento è organizzato da Renato Barilli, per anni docente al Dams, affiancato dal gruppo di ricercatori del Dipartimento delle Arti Visive (Alessandra Borgogelli, Silvia Grandi, Paolo Granata). L’iniziativa si svolge con il supporto della Galleria Lia Rumma di Milano e grazie ai contributi UniboCultura, Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna e Illy.
L’ingresso alla serata di venerdì 28 nell’Aula Magna di Santa Lucia è gratuito ad inviti, che si potranno ritirare (al massimo due a persona) presso il l’Urp dell’Università di Bologna a partire da mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011, ore 10-13. L’ingresso alle repliche di sabato 29 ore 20 e domenica 30 ore 14 presso il Cinema Lumière è gratuito con tessera FICC.

Consulta il sito

Culturalia di Norma Waltmann
Vicolo Bolognetti 11, Bologna
Tel: 051 6569105
Fax: 051 2914955
Cell: 392 2527126


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